Our Supporters

Current Supporters

We currently receive funding from Reading Borough Council through their Reading Small Grants Fund 2023/24 (Round 1).  We previously received funding from Reading Borough Council for the period 2021 to 2022.

Reading Borough Council

Links to Reading Borough Council



Past Supporters

We received funding from the People’s Health Trust (PHT) through two grants. Grant 1 covered the period 2015 to 2016 and Grant 2 from 2017 to 2020.  The PHT draws on money raised through The Health Lottery in London West.

People’s Health Trust is an independent charity investing in local neighbourhoods to help create a society without health inequalities. It works closely with each of the regional and country lotteries raising money through The Health Lottery, and distributes grants.
for more information see peopleshealthtrust.org.uk

Active Communities supports people to create and shape local projects that will help their community or neighbourhood to become even better. Active Communities projects aim to develop social links and ties and support residents to discuss and act on things that are important to them.

Links to People’s Health Trust’s pages and profiles



  • You can find us here:          www.twitter.com/Peoples_health
  • Our Twitter handle is: @Peoples_health
  • Health Lottery London West is: @HealthLotteryLW
  • The programme hashtag is: #ActiveCommunities



You can find us here:  www.youtube.com/user/PeoplesHealthTrust


You can find us here: www.linkedin.com/company/people’s-health-trust